International Women's Day 2023
This International Women’s Day
I am taking a moment to recognise there is still so much work to do in the world when it comes to gender equity…
Forced marriages, child brides, physical and sexual violence, draconian laws allowing beating and kidnapping in some parts of the world, female genital mutilation (FGM), denial of education, denial of reproductive rights (even in so-called democracies), population policies that treat women as ‘wombs’ subject to forced abortions or forced pregnancies depending on the “needs” of the country, brutally enforcing compulsory clothing policies, denial of basic freedoms, division of domestic labour and the global gender gap.
At the age of 10 years old, Sonita’s family attempted to sell her to an old man, who wanted to marry her.
Utterly horrifying - my youngest child is ten, and likes to play lego, bounce on a trampoline and hug a teddy at night.
That proposed marriage fell through, so they tried again when she was 15 years old. Still horrifying.
Sonita was born under Taliban rule. Her childhood was very challenging and life was dangerous.
It was against the law for women to sing in Iran; the tradition is that a woman should remain silent and have no voice.
She was unable to attend school and felt like a prisoner within her own body. One by one, her friends were sold off to older men, and she witnessed bruises on their faces when they tried to resist.
After fleeing the Taliban and with the support of local organisation, she began to create rap music - a way to share her voice and tell her story.
Through her rap music, Sonita has courageously defied her family, questioned authority, spoken up, expressed her outrage at the exploitation of girls and drawn attention to the serious consequences of child marriage.
She has ignited a global conversation and is inspiring more girls to speak up.
She created this song ‘daughters for sale’ along with the music video that went viral, gaining 1.5 million views on YouTube.
The rise of women is not about the fall of men.
Forging gender equity isn't limited to women solely fighting the good fight. Allies are incredibly important for the social, economic, cultural, and political advancement of women. I thank the allies who are stepping up to help forge positive change.